Hacked 3D Printer That Can Ink Tattoos

A group of French students have changed a Makerbot 3d printer into a tattoo machine thought to be the first of its kind.

The blending of tattoos and tech was continually going to happen.

French design students  Pierre Emm, Piotr Widelka and Johan Da Silveira changed the Makerbot 3d printer as a major aspect of a test set by France's Cultural Ministry.

They managed how to show the machine tattooing a perfect circle showing off  its exact accuracy and meant to do it on human skin utilizing a typical pen.

After the competition , they acquired a manual tattoo-machine from a novice tattooist and practiced  drawing on manufactured silicone skin.

They wrote on the Instructables site: "The huge trouble was to rehash the same practice on a curve surface and on a material that has significantly more flexibility  than silicone. Many tricks were attempted to tighten the area around the skin (a metal ring, elastics, scotch tape...) yet the best one was a bike's internal tube, open on the aresa  to be marked."

The group of tech tattooists in the long run discovered a willing volunteer, the first individual ever to have a robot tattoo.

Turns out someone  reported the entire process and stuck in online ,so if you  happen to have a Makerbot 3d printer lying around head to the Instructables.com where the instructions  are to make your tattoo machine.