SanDisk announces ULLtra DIMMS :Terabytes Of Low-Latency Flash Storage
Last August, we talked about the launch of another sort of NAND memory outline that shunned PCIe slots or SATA interfaces energetic about connecting glimmer straightforwardly to the DIMM channel. Created by Diablo Technologies, this new approach guaranteed unimaginably low latencies and reliable execution that ordinary PCIe architectures experience issues matching. Presently, Sandisk has taken an investment Diablo Technologies and has collaborated with the organization to discharge a transportation item.
Named Ulltra DIMM (Ultra Low Latency), the organization has recently marked IBM to ship the new fittings in System x3850 and x3950 X6 servers, with up to 12.8tb of introduced glimmer limit. The reason IBM is pushing ahead to embrace the modules, as Diablo Technologies demonstrated to us back the previous summer, is dormancy. Unanticipated benchmarks indicate that eXFlash hitting a compose dormancy of 5-10 microseconds — far easier than whatever else might be available in the NAND business. The recorded execution, for every DIMM, is 1gb/sec read and 750mb/sec write