Steps To Hide A Text In Image File

This is a awesome trick and simple one as well. On the off chance that you wish to send a content message to you companions secretly or you yourself need to hide a text  message in image file then this article will help you a lot.

After hiding  the message in a picture record there will be no damage to the file simply the size of the document will expand a bit.

So lets check how it is carried out.
First of all open run and type  cmd., click enter. This will open Command promt.

Now you have to navigate to the folder where you have copied the files(1 .jpg record and 1 txt document which holds your message.)

For example, if your records are in "D" drive, then after opening cmd, type, D: and hit enter, now you are in your d drive, now if your folder name is Photos then type " cd photos"  (without quotes) now you are in photo folder.

Now the main step is: Type this command after navigating to the folder.
copy/b imagefilename.jpg + textfilename.txt outputimagename.jpg 

Type the precise code, yet dont forgot to supplant the few words, imagefilename.jpg with your  image file name and with proper extension, textfilename.txt with your text file, outputimagename.jpg your output image name, utilize whatever you need, however recall to utilize right extension.all done at this point your message has been hiden in your image and a new folder will be created  in the samefolder with the name you wrote in place of outputimagename.jpg. 

As everything is carried out at this point. you must be thinking how to view the message now. 

dont stress we will see that as well. its very simple.

You simply need to open the output file with notepad, scroll down to the bottom. check the last line. 

you message will be shown there.