A More Flexible and Business Focused Raspberry Pi

A More Flexible and Business Focused Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi is adding another hardware module to its line-up particularly pointed at organizations and streamlined clients. The pending module — which is known as the Compute Module and will be accessible some time after this June — will hold the Pi's BCM2835 processor, 512Mbyte of RAM and a 4Gbyte emmc Flash gadget all mounted on a 67.6x30mm load up (imagined over) that fits into a standard DDR2 SODIMM connector.

The Compute Module is principally pointed at those needing to make their own particular PCB, says the Raspberry Pi Foundation's designing group. Anyhow they will additionally be discharging a Compute Module IO Board – this break-out board (envisioned beneath) will give power and the capability to program the Compute Module's Flash memory. It will likewise have connectors, for example, HDMI and USB, so you can undoubtedly get to and begin exploring different avenues regarding the hardware.

The cost for the new Compute Module Pi will be $30 when purchasing in bunches of 100, or "marginally more" at a singular unit cost. At first, the Compute Module and IO Board will be sold together, in a pack called the Raspberry Pi Compute Module Development Kit. Those packs will be accessible from Pi's wholesalers, RS and element14, in June, with the Compute Module accessible to purchase independently "shortly" afterwards.